Annyeong Haseyo...
my final night in Shah Alam. Dah nak balik Perlis esok. Will I comeback..? I'm not sure yet. Let rezeki decide. Kalau ada rezeki sini, definitely, I'll comeback. Kalau rezeki di Perlis....I'll stay and comeback here for my special day only and meet my friends here..? Hehehe. Got dreams at both places. So......tunggu lah tengok macam mana. ^^
Annyeong Haseyo...
my final night in Shah Alam. Dah nak balik Perlis esok. Will I comeback..? I'm not sure yet. Let rezeki decide. Kalau ada rezeki sini, definitely, I'll comeback. Kalau rezeki di Perlis....I'll stay and comeback here for my special day only and meet my friends here..? Hehehe. Got dreams at both places. So......tunggu lah tengok macam mana. ^^

1 Stars Talking:
inshaAllah all the best untuk awak, sis ^_^
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