Put your library music on shuffle. For each question, press the next button for your answer. You must write that song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds. Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely enough. Okay go! When you’re done, tag 20 people in this note, and make sure to tag the person who sent you this. The answer to #20 is the title of your note.
1. If someone says, “Is this okay?”, you say?
Aku Masih Sayang - ST12 *lalala~*
2. How would you describe yourself?
Baby Harus Bersama - Dafi *toink3 .... *
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Through My Window - Dafi , Akim , Mila *motif ???*
4. How do you feel today?
Ku Ingin Kamu - Romance *heeeeeee~ :D*
5. What is your life's purpose?
Inilah Cinta - Akim *ye ker ?? :P*
6. What's your motto?
Cinta Dalam Hati - Ungu *huhuhuhu~ *
7. What do your friends think of you?
Melompat Lebih Tinggi - Sheila On 7 *katak ke Fina neyh ?? hahax*
8. What do you think of your parents?
3 Kata - Dafi *oh ! I.L.T = I.LOVE.THEM! (^^,)*
9. What do you think about very often?
Harmoni - Dafi, Anding, Rizal, Adeline ... (OST Hotel Mania) *betul3*
10. What is 2 + 2?
Kau, Kawan, Sahabat dan Teman - UNIC * ;D *
11. What do you think of your best friends?
Di Antara - Dafi * ?? *
12. What do you think of the person you like?
Nobody - Wonder Girls *hahahaha . :P *
13. What is your life story?
Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble * lalalala~ *
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Rentak Optimis - Dafi ft. Shila *Camni-lah ! ngeh3 ... *
15. What do you think of when you see the person that you like?
Bila Terasa Rindu - Dafi *yup3 !*
16. What will you dance at your wedding?
Menatap Matamu - Aril *wahhh ! :)*
Menatap Matamu - Aril *wahhh ! :)*
17. What will they play at your funeral?
Juwita - Nubhan *erk ?? =="*
18. What is your biggest fear?
Haruskah - Adam *keliru ? *
19. What is your biggest secret?
Yang Sempurnakanku - 6ixth Sense * (^^,) *
20. What will you post this as?
Cari Jodoh - Wali Band *LOL*
hahaha . suka laa buat neyh ! ada jawapan macam kena . ada yang macam lari 100% . wakaka :P . banyak lagu jiwang ? Edrina memang jiwang . ada masalah dengan anda ?? werrrrr :P hehehehe . eyh ! kena tag 20 orang . sat2, nak pi cari .. rajin nie ... xD ** 1 minit hari kemudian ** ngeh3 .. apa ??? werrrr~ :P
- hajar
- sis dalia
- miss WNM
- myra
- sis shila
- sis izyan
- sis yana
- sis teema chan
- tak dapat di kesan . hilang dari radar ! :P
- zaty luvlianncezzz
- awatif
- sis anne
- naemah
- sis una
- sis GK
- fasheeha
- aleeza
- sis shida
- sis fahira
buat eyh . :) best nie . kalau dah pernah buat, buat lagi . sebab, mesti jawapan lain . heeee~ ;) sesapa dah buat tag nie, amik award kat bawah nie jgak yea .. ;)
award nie pun Fina dapat dari si vampire ituu .. heee~ thanx mrs. damon ! ngeh2 .. nanti bagi lagi award yea .. ekeke xD

10 Stars Talking:
tq dear coz tag sis hihi akn sis langsaikan weeee =)
ku kompiussss sket
mcm complicated je
HAHAHA . awai buat noohhhhh~ sama2 . heeee ;)
hey thanx tag. Macam best! :)
tima kasih sudi tag...dasat la sapa buat entry nie..memang dia pengemar muzik tanah air nie...kalo suruh GK jawab mmmg fail la...tak tau nk letak tajuk lagu pe...
@shida saje hehe . Uke sis . U r wlcme . :)
@zaty luvlianncezzz hehe . X lah . Bca rules dy tu , sng je . ;)
@:: s c h a | VAMP :: haha . Peace! ;) bukan slalu jwab lmbt . Ngeh3 .
@Cik Yana wlcme . Mmg best ! ;)
@Gadis Kampung hehe . Sis bca laa rules dy tu , sng je . ;)
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